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CoAction Healthcare


A new purpose built facility, CoAction in Clonakilty, Cork, provides comprehensive services for both children and adults with intellectual disability and autism. Hager's lighting control solution was selected for this project, in addition to wiring accessories and distribution panels.

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CoAction has developed comprehensive services for both children and adults with an intellectual disability and autism in the West Cork area and now provides services for 598 children and 140 adults. CoAction is the designated service provider for children & adults with an intellectual disability and Autism in the West Cork area.

The Electrical Contractor, John Cormican Electrical, regularly uses Hager products and knew that they would meet the standards and specifications for this project. Hager products used here included; klik 4 and 7 pin boxes, univers distribution panels and sollysta wiring accessories.

The project, which has taken twelve months to complete, is one of the largest development programmes undertaken by CoAction West Cork.

The development of such a facility was long overdue as previously the services for children and adults in the Clonakilty area were provided from unsuitable premises. The project provides purpose built accommodation as well as a range of supports including therapy and family rooms for children, a drop in area with computer access and coffee dock, a training room with IT equipment for use by CoAction and the wider community, life skills training area, meeting rooms and office space.